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Matrimonial Law

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Law provides an alternative way to reach a resolution of your divorce, without litigation – but with the assistance of your own attorney advocate who has been trained to help you optimize solutions in a respectful and supportive environment.

While Collaborative Divorce is not for everyone, for many couples it can provide a less stressful and less costly alternative, which seeks to minimize the harmful effects of divorce on your children and maximize the likelihood of a future positive relationship as parents.

Where children are involved, your parenting partnership will continue even though your marriage may be ending. Collaborative Divorce provides a structured resolution process, so you can work together after your divorce. With Collaborative law, your future well-being and that of your children is the highest priority.

When both parties and their attorneys work together in mutual cooperation to develop a fair settlement that takes everyone’s needs into account, the divorcing couple can feel confident knowing that they are in control of the process and of the outcome, and are seeking the best possible resolution for their entire family.

We have participated in both basic and more advanced collaborative law training, and are members of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Staten Island Collaborative Law Group, a non-profit association advancing collaborative practice in appropriate divorce cases and other civil disputes.  To learn more about collaborative law and why it may be a better way to resolve your divorce, see the NYS Collaborative Family Law Center or explore some of the articles on collaborative law in our News & Articles section.

If you are contemplating divorce and want to talk to us about the collaborative alternative or any other divorce resolution process, give us a call.  We are always available to meet with you to discuss your options.

Divorce Mediation

For many divorcing couples who want an effective yet cost efficient process to resolve their differences – mediation can offer a viable and positive alternative to what is often an expensive, protracted and emotionally destructive litigation experience.

Divorce, like any major life change, is a difficult transition for both parties.  Many times the feelings of grief, confusion, mistrust and fear can be overwhelming.  Yet, many couples in such a fragile emotional state find themselves enmeshed in the adversarial system, making important decisions on someone else’s timetable when they may be least equipped to do so.

Mediation allows the couple to control the process and the timetable so they can come to mutual decisions that satisfy each one’s interests when they are ready and able to make reasoned choices.

The mediator (who acts as a neutral in the process) is well versed in the issues which must be considered, but does not provide legal advice to either party.  Instead, the mediator works to move the discussion forward in a productive way.  The goal is to help the parties identify their needs and create workable solutions, until a resolution is achieved on each issue which must be included in a divorce settlement.

We offer reasonably priced mediation services with convenient evening and week-end appointments in a comfortable and constructive environment.  If you think mediation may be a better alternative for you, we would be happy to discuss it in greater detail, as well as provide information on each divorce option available.  You can also refer to our sections on Collaborative Divorce and Uncontested/Contested Divorce.

Tremer & Tremer, P.C.

16 Driggs Street
Staten Island, NY 10308

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